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Quiz 3

NAME:____________________________________ ID#:_________________

1. Describe the two serial position effects (recency and primacy). Which variables affect primacy and recency? How Atkinson and Shiffrin's model can account for these two effects?

The first portion of the list tend to be remembered well -> primacy effect

The last portion of the list tend to be remembered well -> recency effect

- If the items in the list are semantically similar, this impairs primacy effect

- If the items in the list are phonologically similar, this impairs recency effect

-The items in the "primacy" part of the curve are remembered well because these items can be rehearsed many times while the rest of the items are presented. Therefore these items to into the long term store

-The items in the "recency" part of the curve are remembered well because these items are still in the short term store.


2. Describe functions and structure of the three components of Baddeley's model of working memory.

(1) Central executive - It decides which information needs attention and which information needs to be ignored. Limited capacity

(2) Phonological loop -

a) Phonological store: this is where phonological information is stored

b) subvocal rehearsal store: This keeps information in the short term memory activated, so rapid forgetting does not occur.

(3) Visuospatial Sketchpad - It maintains and processes information encoded visually


3. Describe Bartlett's research on memory. What is a schema and what is its importance in memory?

Bartlett's research on memory involved telling a story comprised of unusual elements (many were specific to a different culture than that of the subjects). He found that for the most part the stories were well remembered; however, over time the subjects had normalized their version of the story.

These findings relate to the importance of schemas in memory. A schema is basically a set of rules of facts that we relate to an item (e.g., restaurant schema would contain elements and rules typical of all our experiences with restaurants). In this study, it was shown that existing "American" schemas influenced what was remembered about the original story. In normalizing, the subjects retold the stories in ways that did not challenge their own schemas.

4. Which are the three mechanisms that have been proposed to account for forgetting? Briefly describe their characteristics and limits.

(1) Decay. Information fades away if it is not used.

limit --> Time is not a sufficient explanation for forgetting

(2) Interference. Associated learning experience. Proactive and retroactive interference

limit --> Interference does not affect real-life material

(3) Retrieval failure. Information is not lost and does not decay from long term memory. The problem is that information is not accessible any more.

Availability vs. accessibility, Lack of retrieval cues


5. What is the encoding specificity effect? Describe a study that investigates this effect.

The encoding specificity effect states that information is remembered best when retrieved in the same setting/contex that is was encoded in.

One study tested this effect with scuba divers. They learned information under-water or on land, then were tested underwater or on land. The best results were when both the testing and eoncding were done in the same environment (both underwater or both on land).


**Extra credit question**

6. Which cognitive function is affected by the Non-REM/REM cycle?

The N-REM/REM cycle is important in learning. N-REM prepares the brain for plasticity during REM and REM is the stage that corticalizes and "organizes" new information. Sleep processes enhance implicit learning.


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