I hope it’s just because of the novelty of blogging, but I am kind of obsessed with it. Ask my husband. So I thought that these t-shirts for sale at Blogher are very appropriate:
Sad but not uncommon condition
I wonder if they also offer support groups for bloggers and for their friends and family. I sure could use some help.
July 17, 2005
Heh. I Just bought this T-short for my S.O..
Of course, I should get one that says:
World of Warcraft Widow
Then we’d be even.
July 17, 2005
What about “ESPN2 Widow”?
July 17, 2005
Ha, I just bought one for my husband, and the other one for me… enough about me, lets talk about my blog!
See ya in San Jose!
July 17, 2005
lol, very nice. by any chance, could you tell me what you use for your technorati tage?
July 17, 2005
Maybe the solution is right in front of your face? All you have to do is get your husband into blogging and you’re all set! 🙂
July 18, 2005
Women, life, technology, and the pursuit of happiness. | AntonellaPavese.com
December 9, 2006
A short time ago, on a blog that discussed the topic of “blog addiction,” I read a comment by a female who stated that she hasn’t heard about any major side effects regarding blogging except that blogging takes a lot of your time.
Until recently, I would have agreed with this comment. But then I began reading about “Internet addiction” and how serious this dependency can be. I started to better understand the seriousness of Internet addiction after reading the following statement made by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine: “The United States could be rife with Internet addicts as clinically ill as alcoholics.”
Then I read a story that clearly illustrated how devastating online addictions can become. More specifically, in 2005, a 54-year-old male addict, unable to take a break from his online world, died from starvation. How was this possible you ask? Easy. For 7 weeks before his death, he posted comments on one forum after another every 30 seconds while refusing to eat anything.
Since placing posts of forums is very similar to blogging, I am now a firm believer in the unhealthy and the destructive consequences of Internet and blogging addiction.