Blogher 06: A few thanks and other scattered items left from the conference


I still have a few session notes to post, but I wanted to share some thoughts on Blogher before everybody moves to the next tech/web conference and Blogher becomes ancient history.

Let’s start with my gratitude for Jory, Elise, and Lisa for making the conference so amazingly affordable (a room for $75 a night? In san Jose? you must be kidding…). The three of you did such an amazing job in finding sponsors, feeding us, and making it possible for so many of us to attend. A deeply felt thank you! (On Blogher, Jory writes on sponsorships and discusses the concept of “selling out.”)

People I am going to miss:

  • Nancy White: yes, she is as cool as she seems from a distance and even more. Nancy is the warmest, most inclusive, and funniest person to have around.
  • Jory DJ: Sorry Jory, but you are sooo cute (even with you “short, dark, big hair”). I’m happy your mom ordered me to hug you or I probably wouldn’t have. It was great to meet you, even just for a little bit.
  • Laura Scott: the day 1 evening conversation with Laura was one of the highlight of the conference (thanks also to Meghan and Maura, presenters of the Primp your blog session).
  • Sabine Kirstein, who rescued me at the beginning of the conference from an attack of social phobia (so many women, all chatty, glamorous, and having fun; so intimidating)

Memorable moments

  • The audiotaping duel between Amy Gehran and George Kelly on the deep cultural connotation of a four-letter word describing to a certain part of a woman body.
  • “All you need is love:” the 750-people sing-along/karaoke experience at the beginning of day 2.

Random business cards

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  1. Laura
    August 2, 2006

    It was great meeting you, too, Antonella! That evening we laughed so hard! I’m glad I remembered to get cards from you, Megan and Maura. Writing soon! -Laura

  2. Nancy White
    August 2, 2006

    Hey, now I want to know what you brilliant women were talking and laughing about Friday night!!

  3. Antonella
    August 2, 2006

    Nancy, next time I’ll make sure to invite you to join the gang…

  4. Zadi
    August 4, 2006

    It was great meeting and speaking with you at the airport after BlogHer. 🙂 Nice way to end such a fun weekend! I’ll check your blog often.

  5. megan
    August 4, 2006

    Anthonella, I have to agree with you that that evening conversation was a definite highlight of my conference experience as well. Hope to speak with you soon! 🙂

  6. Maura
    August 4, 2006

    I concur with Megan. 🙂

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