Yesterday, Karl Martino wrote a great post discussing why “the web is flat” assumption is wrong (I’m especially grateful to Karl for the link to Clay Shirky’s 2003 article Powerlaws, Weblogs, and Inequality).
Today Karl makes a concrete proposal: let’s blogstorm local blogs that are featured every two weeks on Philly Future. Karl says that his blogstorm idea came from reading my interview with Wendy Piersall on similar initiatives such as the LinkedIn Blog Boosts and her own BlogJolt.
So, here it is: please visit Ruby Legs’s blog Welcome to Phillyville. In Phillyville, Ruby discusses Philly’s sport events, proposes to use the money we spend to maintain the U.S. nuclear arsenal to send 250,000 kids to college, and rants against racist stooges.
What else do you need? Go!!
Technorati Tags: blogging, Philadelphia, phillyfeaturedblog, link, blogstorm, popularity
August 21, 2006
Love to watch the ideas and fun spread around the internet… Thanks Antonella, for helping others to enjoy lots of link love! 🙂
August 22, 2006
Thanks for the shout out. I’d also ask your readers to read some of the comments posted to one of my recent posts
The words written by the “racist stooges” are bone chilling. Peeps have a right to their opinions but the personal threats go a bit far.
BTW – that’s a pretty cool trick you’ve got going with the comment preview.