What scares you?

Recently I have been reading about all these memes traveling around blogosphere: tell me the last 3 books you read, the three most listened songs on your iTune, etc. I’ve never received an invitation to share my last readings or favorite music, which I am grateful for. I am not quite ready to share...

The politics of happiness

When I say “the pursuit of happiness” in my blog tagline, I really mean it. I really care about the interconnection between women, technology, and happiness. I realize now that it’s impossible to talk about happiness without talking about politics. Because there is such a thing as the politics of happiness. Sometimes this becomes...

Even Jared Spool is blogging

Jared Spool and a couple of other folks at UI Engineering (Christine Perfetti and Joshua Porter) have started Brain Sparks, a new blog on web design, usability, and other interface issues. It’s interesting how long it’s taking to the traditional, old school usability world to embrace blogs and RSS. Jakob Nielsen doesn’t seem to...

The paradox of choice

I’ve just finished reading The paradox of choice by Barry Schwartz. The main thesis of the book is that having too many choices, together with feeling pressured to make the best choice rather than a “good enough” choice makes us unhappy. The more choices we have, the more time and effort we spend weighting...

How to find good blogs?

It seems that there was a lot of talking at Blogher about the Technorati Top 100 list and how this list does not represent the world of bloggers (at least not the world of women bloggers, or mommy bloggers, or african-american bloggers, teenage bloggers, and so on; see, for example at the transcripts and...

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