Attending Blogher from wherever you are

I am virtually attending BlogHer. You can do it, too!! Visit the Conference site at BlogHer Participate to the live chat at PingV. (All the transcripts of the chat session can be found at Laura Scott‘s blog) Track the Conference through live bloggers at Track Blogher. Donna Mills has been blogging live like crazy...

More about IT:
Cheap, Fast, and Disposable

My “Leaving IT” post has received some attention; the trackback on was picked up by Robert Scoble’s Scobleizer and made it on Computerworld’s blog. Although I found quite interesting my obsession in reading my name quoted by others (think John Milton|Al Pacino in The Devil’s Advocate: “Vanity! definitely my favorite sin”), I would...

Blog Addiction

Addiction: “The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.” (from I hope it’s just because of the novelty of blogging, but I am kind of obsessed with it. Ask my husband. So I thought that these t-shirts for sale at Blogher are very appropriate: Sad but not...

The dangers of online candor

As all cops know, there is something exceptionally relieving in telling the truth. Lying takes a big effort; expressing who we are and how we really feel is the satisfying path of least resistance. This is all good, but the impulse to tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth creates some...

Leaving IT

After 5 years, a few weeks ago I decided I had enough of IT; it was time to quit. The same week I moved from IT to the Marketing department of my company, other two women who have managed me at various times did the same. It seems that we are not alone: Roy...


I’ve just finished listening for the second time to the audiobook version of Malcolm Gladwell‘s Blink. The book discusses psychological resesarch around rapid cognition and snap decisions and has plenty of findings and concepts relevant to usability and market research (with some good evidence of the limits of “just asking people what they feel...

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