Caterina Fake on hard-working women

Yesterday Caterina Fake posted a commentary on about the effort women need to make to succeed in high-tech . I am sure high-tech executive women need to work really hard to get were they are. But I also see a lot of (really talented) women working twice as hard just...

If I just had been so thoughtful

Today I had lunch with Amber, a Business System Analyst who works as a contractor for my company. I met her at PhillyCHI, the local chapter of the ACM Computer-Human Interactions special interest group. She is such a smart wise young woman. I am in total awe of young people who are thoughtful and...

The myth of infinite flexibility

Fast Company has dedicated his latest issue to the importance of dealing with change in the workplace . Very timely topic, and useful tips, given my excruciating need for a job change right now. Thinking about this made me also reflect on the corporate myth of infinite flexibility of the workforce. Several...

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