Blogher06, I was there and I can prove it: Guy took a picture of me

And now, some ego-reporting. I just discovered (accidentally, I swear) that Guy Kawasaki took a picture of me at BlogHer06 (check Guy’s FilmLoop). If you would rather see pictures of more famous or glamours bloggers, check out the 1364 picture in the Blogher06 photostream at Flickr. Technorati Tags: blogher, blogher06, bloghercon, egoreporting...

You stopped and looked back

When, walking home from the party, you stopped and looked back were you making sure nobody was following you, or hoping to see somebody approaching? When you closed the door and turned the key were you welcoming solitude, or craving the world you left outside? In the stone house in the suburbs, were you...

Blogher06, where the awesome women are

My grandmother was a practical and successful business woman. She managed to live well without a husband for most of her life, opened a women clothing store with her sister after the war (in the South of Italy and starting from nothing), and successfully managed it for many years, through changes in fashion and...

In Las Vegas

I’m in Las Vegas on the way to San Jose. This must be one of the strangest places on Earth with the slot machines, the smokers gas chambers, and things that look good from a distance and cheesy at a closer look. My plane was 45 minutes early (go Southwest!) and I found the...

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