
From “word of the day” for October 26 (I know, I am a little behind with my readings): Virago: an ill-tempered, overbearing woman; also, a woman of great strength and courage. Isn’t it interesting? I thought that men would find difficult to maintaining two contraddictory thoughts in their mind at the same time....

All about our mothers

Everybody is blogging on their mothers lately. Jory started with a post on her mom, Joy, that made me sob. people have somehow caught on to this woman’s ability to not judge– even in matters concerning me–to listen, and, if you’re meeting her in-person, to feed you. [After that post, Joy decided to start...

How to find good blogs?

It seems that there was a lot of talking at Blogher about the Technorati Top 100 list and how this list does not represent the world of bloggers (at least not the world of women bloggers, or mommy bloggers, or african-american bloggers, teenage bloggers, and so on; see, for example at the transcripts and...

Attending Blogher from wherever you are

I am virtually attending BlogHer. You can do it, too!! Visit the Conference site at BlogHer Participate to the live chat at PingV. (All the transcripts of the chat session can be found at Laura Scott‘s blog) Track the Conference through live bloggers at Track Blogher. Donna Mills has been blogging live like crazy...

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